Stolen: Mini Crime Wave!

Lately, it seems that classic car theft has risen dramatically. With this blog becoming more of a lost and found page for vintage vehicles lost in action. Particularly hard hit recently, besides elderly Fords, are classic Minis.

Too many have vanished into thin air recently to simply be the figment of sheer coincidence. All readers are urged to keep their eyes peeled, share this post on forums and pass this around via social media to help turn the tide on the recent crime wave.


This Rover Mini has been reported stolen from Whitehill Lane, Gravesend

One of the final editions, prior to the BMW reincarnation. This beautiful blue Rover Mini Cooper has been swiped from Gravesend in Kent. Disappearing on 22nd January 2015 between 21:00 and 23:30, the thieves commandeered the vehicle from a driveway in Whitehill Lane. On a late 2000 “X” reg plate, this magnificent Mini is finished in dark metallic blue with a silver roof and bonnet stripes.

Any sightings should be reported to Constable Andrew Connor at Kent Police by calling 01474 366553 and quoting crime reference XY/002614/15.


Another victim to add to the list. This 1990 Rover Mini was swiped recently from New Milton in Hampshire. A recent sighting has been reported in Christ Church late on 8th March 2015. Details are scarce at this time, but any sightings should be reported to Lymington Police Station on 01962 841534.

Finally (hopefully)…

Let us remain vigilant for this missing silver 1988 Austin Mini. As reported recently, this little number ran away from home on 22nd of February, so far to not return. Pictures have been dispatched onto milk cartons, search parties formed and police divers searching lake beds, to no avail. Missing from Dunstable in Bedfordshire, it’s entirely possible that this theft could be linked to the above. As of yet, nothing has been proven.

Any sightings should be reported to Dunstable Police Station on 01582 471212.

Let’s continue our efforts, to make this Mini adventure into a success story, akin to the recently recovered Morris Oxford.

by Mike Armstrong

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