Pick-up a Classic Citroen!

What? – A 1974 Citroen GS. Voted the most aerodynamic car of its time, the GS was a serious part of Citroen’s history. This one was a little less concerned about aerodynamics though, focused more upon stacking bales of hay in the rear. Owing to their scarcity, this definitely could be considered one of the most forgotten variations of the GS too.

Why? – Certainly one of the prettiest pick up vehicles of all time, this GS has seemingly lived a comfortable life, owing to its stupendously low mileage. The DVLA have records of the vehicle being untaxed since March 1995, which may help to explain this. Sure, it does appear to possess the nature of a magpie, with various shiny parts which don’t belong; although a quick makeover will bring this French classic back to life.

Where? – Nottingham, Notts. Found via eBay.

Odometer reading? – Apparently only 25,890 miles on the clock, averaging at around 616 miles per annum over 42 years.

The Bad Bits? – Well it is covered in some rather unsavoury modified blingy bits. The Mercedes-Benz mudflaps fool nobody, the winged eagle on the bonnet is awful and the wire wheels are a late 90’s Pimp My Ride low-rider throwback.

How Much? – £3,650 Buy it Now on eBay.

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by Mike Armstrong

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